
Environmental Educational Resources

Uca Formosensis

  • Uca Formosensis(Male)
  • Uca Formosensis(Female)

Uca Formosensis

Physical Features:

The shield of Uca Formosensis is a dark brown hue with a lighter trailing edge, and the shield of young crabs has light lines. The major chelipeds of the male Taiwanese fiddler crab are scissor-shaped with white knuckles. They use balls of soil to build tall chimneys, which can be 10-20 cm high.

Living Habits:

Uca Formosensis is endemic to Taiwan, and several relatively large populations are found at the mouth of Tsengwen River, Puzi River and Xiangshan. Taiwanese fiddler crabs mostly inhabit dry areas near the high tide line, where the soil is hard and sticky. The average depth of the hole they dig is about 40 cm, which is deeper than other species. The swing method is vertical style.