
Wetland Animals and Plants


Taiwan thick crab (Helice formosensis)



“Taiwan thick crabs” are native to this island. They live in mid to high tidal beaches, swamps, mangroves and fish ponds. In grasslands, their caves have round entrances. But in muddy places the entrances look flatter. The crabs are rather slow. They like to bathe under the Sun instead of moving around or finding food.

※Where can I find them?
Many of their caves can be spotted in the lagoon are and the six wetlands of the Dapeng Bay.
※Why do they keep blowing “bubbles”?
This is because crabs breathe with their gills. The crabs’ gills are like sponge that absorb water and filter it for air. When the crabs are on the land, they breathe and they make foamy bubbles.